My friend is a set designer and her last name is Beck. Whenever she works on a film, commercial, whatever…she always puts in something in the set design that is hers, whether it’s a refrigerator magnet or a pen with her name on it. It’s just a ritual.
She recently did a SuperBowl PSA, and in it is a school cafeteria with a sign in the back that says “Beck for President”.
Unfortunately, now Glenn Beck really thinks it was for him, and that people want him to run. In fact, he did a whole radio show and posted on his website to make sure that everyone noticed the sign in the commercial.
Anyway, it got me thinking. How many times does some coincidence happen where we think it’s about us, and really it has nothing to do with us?
I can think of several occasions. Like when I get embarrassed about something I said or did, and it turns out nobody was paying attention. or when I thought someone was mad at me because they gave me a strange look or said something weird…but then it turned out that they were upset about something else and i just was there at the wrong time.
There are so many ways we get it wrong in our relationships. This commercial is just reminding me of what I learned back in grade school. Not everything is about me. So lighten up.
Happy Thursday!
About Kelly Seal
Kelly is a freelance writer based in Los Angeles, CA. She blogs about dating, relationships, personal growth and what "healthy living" means to her. You can follow her on Google+, Twitter @kellyseal or through her website
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