I wrote this piece about my first paragliding adventure for a website called SingleMindedWomen, which you should check out if you have a chance. I was originally hoping to make the story about independence and the excitement of solo travel, but it ended up being about something else: letting go of . . .
Running away vs. running to
About two years ago, I was over dating. I mean REALLY over it. If you have dated a long time, you reach a point of dating saturation, and I was there. I was romantically neutral. You could have lined up 10 hot men in front of me and I would have felt nothing. Actually, I would've said they were . . .
I spent this past weekend packing and moving out of my apartment. Each time I move, I swear to myself that I never want to do it again. I like new places, I just hate transitions. Going through things, deciding what to throw out, actually moving heavy boxes from my apartment to a truck. Most of . . .