I had a boyfriend in college whose roommate would clean his ears with Q-tips and then leave them scattered around the bathroom and closets instead of throwing them away. At one point, my boyfriend found one in his shoe. "That's it," he declared. "No more Qtips!" The Qtip dilemma stopped for . . .
Removing the toxins from life
I found out today that (following a leak in the hallway next to my front door), my house might have mold growing in it. The first thing I thought of were all those crazy stories about people suffering from chronic diseases due to mold situations that were left untreated. Naturally, I freaked . . .
Are you a reactive date?
I've gone on many online dates that just haven't worked out, for whatever reason. Maybe there's no chemistry, maybe there's no connection, or maybe there's not enough interest to go out on a second date. Whatever the reason, I've always felt that first dates were just a testing ground, to see if . . .
Dating: a numbers game?
I'm trying to keep an open mind here, but dating is turning into a bit of a circus. I'm talking about Brian, the 23-year old in NYC who plans to go on 30 dates in 30 days, and leave all of his matchmaking, moves, etc. to those of us on the Interwebs...specifically Twitter, Facebook, and . . .
Why can’t we just leave dating to chance?
Sorry everyone for my recent unintended hiatus, but some other more pressing things came up in my life that trump this blog. Ok, on a daily basis things come up that trump the blog, but I still write because that's what I do. It makes me happy. Anyway, I'm glad to be back now, pressing things or . . .
So, what WOULD men say?
I'm always curious to hear the opinions of guys when it comes to dating. In my last guest blog post, I asked the amazing, hilarious and insightful dating bloggers Jack From Brooklyn, Fishy, The Urban Dater, and Jeffrey Platts what turns them on and off when it comes to women. They had a lot to . . .