I thought it might be time to talk about the 800-pound elephant in the room, or at least in my head. Even though I like to consider myself spiritual and thoughtful, I succumb to some negative thinking at times. Jealousy is one. I have watched friends get married and have babies while I've stood . . .
Running away vs. running to
About two years ago, I was over dating. I mean REALLY over it. If you have dated a long time, you reach a point of dating saturation, and I was there. I was romantically neutral. You could have lined up 10 hot men in front of me and I would have felt nothing. Actually, I would've said they were . . .
A note about exes
I've been thinking lately about my exes. No, it's not that I want to get back together with any of them...their ships have sailed thankfully into other harbors (no pun intended). But I do think about setting the record straight. I am a Libra, so I constantly like to weigh both sides of an . . .
Are niche online dating sites a good thing?
I read a study recently that said the more choice we have with anything (like, the choice of 100 difference brands of laundry detergent), the poorer our decision-making abilities. In other words, too many brands of laundry detergent sends our brains into overdrive and we end up just picking based . . .
Most women go on 24 dates before finding “the right one”? That would be nice.
I was doing my daily Google search when I discovered a new dating study (surprise!) by UKDating.com...apparently, the average woman dates 24 men before she finds the "right" one. The first thing I thought when I read this statistic was...huh? Only 24? I've dated 24 people in a night if you . . .
Are we becoming intolerant daters?
I don't like to bring up politics on my blog, but bear with me a second--I just want to make a point. There are a lot of people out there with very strong opinions. People who aren't interested in considering another viewpoint. The tea party has formed here in the U.S. The Coffee Party movement . . .